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Оригинальное название: Put 'Em Up
Слоган: A WHIRLING SWIRLING WESTERN! Filled with the thud of hoofs, the big free life of the open spaces, the dare-devil riding, the hard-hitting, two-fisted bravery of the sons of the west, in a plot teeming with action, side-splitting comedy, and heart interest that will entertain you. Thrills---laughs---and love---a kick a minute...
Страна: США
Категория: Вестерн
Год: 1928
Оригинальное название: The Water Hole
Слоган: A Zane Grey story is always a tip for a good hour of thrills and western romance. «The Water Hole» tells the story of the headstrong flirt who follows Randolph, the cowboy, to Arizona to «tame him» and is in turn tamed.
Страна: США
Время: 1 час 10 минут
Категория: Вестерн
Год: 1928