
Тhе Fiddlеr (2017) смотреть онлайн

Оригинальное название: Тhе Fiddlеr
Слоган: Bullies, I hate bullies! 'So, this kid walks into a bar, well, a pub. Sounds like a joke but it's no joke. To the musicians playing over there in the corner, this is a weekly ritual for them. They take the 'session' very serious. And they usually don't like noobs like me. I doesn't bother me though, I'm used to it. One thing I've noticed is that no matter where you go, there is always that guy, that one person who likes to push your buttons. It doesn't matter if it's bluegrass... or blues... or ballet. Bullies. I hate bullies.' Read More
Год: 2017
Бютжет: 16 000 $
Страна: США
Режиссеры: Darrin Moore
Сценаристы: Darrin Moore, Will Thorne, Уильям Торн
Длительность: 24 минуты
В ролях: Майкл Харрельсон, Alexandria Stevens, Jim McLeroy, Zachariah Ragatz, Corey Ticknor, Melaney Moore, Calabria Pelletier, Will Thorne, Дерек Маст, Tom Connor, Liam Thorne, Iain Walnick, Уильям Торн, Max Reiter
The Fiddler
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